Saturday, October 16, 2004

Extensor hallucis longus

So much for walking off all that cake this weekend. I slipped down four stairs this morning, gaining a carpet burn on my left elbow, a bruise on my right elbow where I hit the bannister, and I landed funny on my right foot. My big toe really hurts. Its sore along the top although there's no bruising or swelling. Its definitely not broken although if it still hurts on Monday, I'm gonna get it x-rayed at the hospital. I've probably either bruised the actual metatarsal bone or just strained the tendon of extensor hallucis longus. (Neat medical terms, huh?!)

Anyway, I declined from putting a support bandage on it in case I encouraged swelling and just rested up all day. It hurts to put pressure on it. It would probably be more painful to attempt to drive on it. I hate being housebound.

1 comment:

omouse said...
