Friday, September 24, 2004


It has been rather quiet in my inbox the last couple of weeks. Maybe people don’t email me anymore cos they can read this and don’t need to ask what’s new with me.

Anyway, I was talking to a work colleague and suddenly he said, "You know, sometimes when you talk, you sound a bit Australian."
Excuse me?
"Yeah, you have this Australian thing going sometimes."
I asked another colleague for a second opinion.
"No," she said, "but you do speak posh, though."
Great. I’m Antipodean and upper class. I must sound terrible when I speak!

Seriously though, I do have this horrible semi-American accent I seem to produce every time I go Stateside. It’s not intentional; I just seem to pick up the accent of those around me. Not that my Yank friends agree with me – I’m still plain old British Clare to them. But my sister says I talk funny when I come back from holiday so something must be going on. Maybe it’s very slight so only British people notice…

1 comment:

Nancey said...

Speaking as a American with a loud, brash accent...I don't notice a thing. You're Clare. Although I've been told I sound vaguely British when you visit. Must be the force of our accents merging in to a super transatlantic/Australian accent!