Tuesday, November 09, 2004


For the NaNoWriMo, I have my usual Athene19 as my username but have the pen name of Clare Tallamy-Benton, my regular name with my mother's maiden name inserted in the middle so I don't sound American. Benton is an American surname, what with several places named Benton Town, Bentonsville, and Benton Harbor. None of my ancestors are American so I don't really understand...

Anyhow, Anna and I were watching Fallen Angel (TXF - S1) and Max Fenig says that Mulder uses the pseudonym M F Luder, which is a pretty lame pseudonym - an anagram of F Mulder. So Anna says to me, "Why don't you have a pen name that is an anagram of your name?"

So we came up with a list of them:

Real C Benton - This makes me sound like a gangster
Cloe Brennat - Cloe should be spelt Chloe, so this annoys me
Lacee B Tronn - aka Lara Croft? I sound like I belong in a computer game
Bree Clannot - A Country & Western singer
Lena C Bronte - Charlotte Bronte's ancestor? I like this one!
Anne T Creole - I'm anti-what?
Albert Nonce - I'm not a guy. And 'nonce' means something in Britain...
Electra Bonn - I'm a Bond girl. I like this one too!

What do you think??


omouse said...

I vote for Electra!

omouse said...

How about Nel Cabronet
or Cabernet Lan

This is fun!

Okay... stopping now.

Nancey said...

I like the Bronte one.

How about Eta C. Brennol? This is fun...now do me! Miss Ella Shoechenney. Um, no, better not.