Monday, July 07, 2008

The Orchid

We got to the airport okay but the airline gave us seats ‘together’ which was with an aisle between us. I wonder what word they use when you sit without a large gap between you… The food was nasty. Some undercooked scrambled egg, a sausage that tasted of about 40% meat and some very squidgy mushrooms. My stomach flipped and I nearly threw up from the smell. However when Reuben told me on the plane we were going on a cruise for the first week I nearly had a hernia. I’ve always wanted to go on a cruise, and a cruise in Egypt is just incredible! I can’t wait…

The cruise ship is the Orchid and is fairly average as cruise ships go. It has a good number of staff running the laundry, room service, engine room, bar, restaurant and kitchen, and reception. The waiting staff are hilarious! “Egyptian?” they ask Reuben.
“No, guess where I’m from!” he challenges.
“India? Africa?”
(This was to continue for the rest of the holiday!)

Anyway they teach us some Arabic words. ‘Aalikyum asalam’ means ‘hello’, ‘chokran’ means ‘thank you’, ‘laa’ means ‘no’ and ‘baksheesh’ means ‘money’. Seriously, these are all the words you need!!! When you get hassled by the street traders you just say ‘laa baksheesh’ or just ‘laa laa laa’ (no-no-no!). Easy peasy!

The food is okay. They must think we eat roast beef every day because that’s all they seem to serve. Oh and there are always roasted or boiled potatoes. I’m avoiding raw veg, fruit, salads and dairy. So I can have the grilled veg but not the cheese omelette. My tea and coffee will be black. The only dairy I will have is a smidgen of milk with my cereal!

The travel rep briefs us on Egyptian customs so we don’t offend people, and warns us about the aforementioned street traders. There are also special tourist police in white uniforms at all tourist attractions in case we get in trouble and need help. We were also told about taxi drivers and how unless you are firm and specifically say where you want to go, they will take you to meet their family and will be obliged to buy things from all their shops!

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