Thursday, December 02, 2004

Post-NaNo Blues

So I think I have post-NaNo blues. I get home and think, "What can I do tonight?" The TV porgrammes I watch are repeats of Buffy, The X-Files, Friends... Boring after a while. Yet I don't want to start the re-write, which would be a good idea because the novel is still fresh in my mind. It's too tempting to just delete whole paragraphs at the moment.

I just don't know what to do with myself in the evenings any more. I asked Anna for her advice. "How about going to sleep at a decent time?" Hmm. Not quite the response I was looking for. But then I have been going to sleep at 2am most mornings during November. She does have a point...

Answers on a postcard!


Nancey said...

I feel the same. It's 8 pm and I'm sitting here with nothing to do. But I'm too tired to write. I need a few days off before I want to finish the novel (made it to 50,000 words but did not complete the story.) But Chris baty says not to loose the momentum I've been building all month. *sigh* Don't know. Perhaps I should put up Christmas decorations.

omouse said...

Oh, I feel withdrawl every year. This year I'm focusing on the large stack of Netflix DVD's I have yet to watch while making my X-mas presents.