Saturday, July 15, 2006

Wedding No 1

Reuben and I have three weddings to attend this year (so far!) and this is the first. Alan is Reuben's mate since nursery and we have been invited to see him marry the lovely Caroline.

So early this morning we were up and dressed ready for our trip into Central London. They are getting married in St Bride's near St Paul's Cathedral and it is a really beautiful little church. We nabbed good seats at the back, facing the front, while everyone else was ferried into side-facing seats. Caroline came half an hour late (Alan sneaking peeks at his watch every ten minutes) and within the first 5 mins had the hiccups from giggling so much. The priest nipped round the back to give her a glass of water! Hymns were mumbled by the congregation, although since everyone knows the words to Jerusalem so this was belted out with much aplomb at the end. During the signing of the register, the St Bride's choir sang Cole Porter's You're The Top and Let's Do It (Lets Fall In Love) which I thought it was kinda cool...!!

We met up with Reuben's other mate from nursery, Sai-Hong and his wife and son, Deanna and James. We walked slowly and, in my case, painfully through the heat to the reception venue 10 mins away. It's about 28C today and my 3inch heels are not helping matters. One very sensible woman was carrying a posh pair of teal sandals with skyscraper heels and wearing an old pair of flip-flops during the walk to the venue. I wish I was so smart... By the time it came to photos though my shoes were also being held! I can only suffer so much for my art...!!!

During dinner, Reuben could no longer contain himself and starting mucking about, rubbing his nose and balancing a spoon on it. This gave the man next to him an opening and he grabbed two spoons and put them in his eyes. Suddenly, all the blokes on the table are playing spoons, putting the decorative feathers in their hair, and taking lots of silly pictures with the disposable cameras on the table. Deanna was pissing herself with laughter but I was just embarrassed. Reuben always has to start these things... Speeches followed and the best man told a rather amusing anecdote about how he and Alan pretended to be his boss and his superior at a wine-tasting event, even though neither of them know anything about wine. Their comments evenutally became ridiculously stupid (e.g. wine no 122 - disturbing lack of vanilla) and were sent by email to their boss' email before the end of the night...!

Tables were cleared and the DJ came on and proceeded to chase everyone away from the dance floor by playing Ruby Tuesday and Everybody Changes. With no proper dance tunes being played, we decided now was the time to leave and, saying goodbye to Alan and Caroline, we walked/hobbled back to the car.

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