Sunday, July 16, 2006

80th birthday

My nan turns 80 tomorrow so my uncle has organised a get-together at the Royal Chase. Reuben and I turn up and mill about waiting for everyone to arrive. I got to see all my cousins (except Hayley) whom I haven't seen in ages, plus my dad's cousin and her family, and my nan's brother and his wife, daughter and son-in-law. Then my dad's cousin's daughter turned up with her 3 girls. I just about managed to name everyone on the table!!

We sat near Chris and Cem on the near corner and had cold meats, salads and jacket potatoes passed round by waiting staff. We then had trifle for desert though it didn't have any cake at the bottom, so we debated whether it could actually be proper trifle or not... and then we had coffee and Elizabeth Shaws. I managed to knock over an entire jug of milk though it didn't drip onto anyone so that was lucky in a way! Nan's brother William, who everyone calls Jock(!) was passing around an old photo of him, my nan, and their other brother and sister, John and Nancy, both of whom have now passed. My Nan is crying in the photo so Jock says that she is always crying, and didn't he look handsome back in the day? It made us laugh a bit and he managed to make my Nan cry (with laughter) so he could prove a point. (sigh) Families, eh?

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