Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Stomach bugs and gremlins

I woke up about 6.30am feeling really hot and slightly nauseous. I went to get up but couldn’t; I felt really weak. A few deep breaths and I somehow managed to haul myself up and into the en-suite. I don’t turn on the light because I don’t want to wake up Reuben and I kneel down and await the dreaded moment. Suddenly the light turns on and Reuben is behind me and helping me up. He said he heard a thud and came to see if I was okay. I say I’m fine and need the loo. He leaves me and I’m doing my business. Next thing I know I’m staring at the en-suite ceiling and Reuben is calling an ambulance. I had collapsed and was out for a minute or so. I wasn’t quite sure where I was so I (weakly) ask, “Where am I?” “In the bathroom. You fainted. Sod this, I’m calling an ambulance.”

I can’t move at all. The ambulance crew are there within minutes and bombard me with questions. They help me to my feet and sit me on the bed. One takes a blood sample and the other uses the handheld pump to take my blood pressure after failing to find my pulse anywhere in either of my wrists. I feel like blacking out again. I then throw up and feel marginally better.

Apparently it’s a bad stomach virus going around and I got it bad. Tell me about it! I felt dizzy every time I sit up or stand. Reuben took the day off work just in case I collapsed again and called in to my workplace for me too. By the evening I still felt quite bad so we called NHS Direct who were very helpful and gave us some good advice. They said if I was sick again or had stomach or chest cramps I had to call an ambulance. A rather eventful day in all...


Nancey said...

Oh my god!

That sounds horrible and scary. Well, i trust you are better now that you're blogging, but still.

Anonymous said...

Seriously scary. Glad you're feeling better.