Saturday, November 11, 2006


Anne arranged a trip to Cadbury's World in Birmingham for a tour around the chocolate factory there. As the minibus pick-up was at 8am, we decided to skip the bus and travel there ourselves, being faster and obviously more sleep-loving than minibus travellers!

The factory was enormous and smelt of warm chocolate all the way through. There was a little history on the start of Cadbury's and how Quaker Mr Cadbury founded his shop next to his father's drapery. As he made money out of his chocolate business, he and his sons built the village of Bournville as a community for its factory workers and their families. We then saw how chocolate is made and I particularly liked the way they make Creme Eggs. Mmm... yummy!!

We had free chocolate given out during the tour and I ate most of it on the move. The activity room didn't work very well so we had fun in the shop instead, buying some gifts for people and purchasing the new product, Purple Planet. I was in chocolate heaven all day. Funnily enough though, by the time we got to Amanda's, I couldn't face any more and I'll probably stay off chocolate for about a week!!

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