Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My first ever!

Yep, first ever St V's day when I'm not single. Hoo-yeah! It must be noted that Reuben and I don't 'do' the mushy thing and tend to send people funny cards on their birthdays/anniversaries/etc rather than sentimental ones that make us heave. However, this is a one-off. We did give each other cards but they were funny and cutesy rather than flowery and mush. He got me chocs, while I got him Million Dollar Baby, not romantic but I knew he wanted it and I didn't want to get anything predictable. I did unexpectedly get flowers in the evening though. He's pretty soppy at heart I think... (and he'll probably kill me when/if he reads this!)

BTW, thanx Jenny for the card. Don't feel bad about being single at the mo. In my 25 years of being single I think I'm experienced in these situations, and there's nothing better than a grande white chocolate cappucino with sprinkled vanilla and chocolate dust to make it go away. :) Calorific heaven. :)

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