Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Needed vay-kay

Due to work transfers it's common sense that all my holiday time this year may not get carried over into the next financial year (end of April) so it's best I take it all. However, I have 11 days left, and with day release to college every Wednesday, I haven't been using all my holiday time due to the endless game of catch-up I'm doing at work. So I decided that since I don't have college during the two weeks of the Easter break, I might as well take one of those weeks and have a holiday, unfortunately sans Reuben since he only has about 5 days. Being at home all day (or all week, rather) would bore me so I might as well go away.

Then I had another thought. Instead of taking the holiday alone (which doesn't really appeal to me anyway) I could hook up with a friend or two. And then another thought: Jenny works in a school. Schools have Easter breaks. I should hook up with Jenny 'Stateside' and make use of the brilliant flight deals.

So, whaddya think?! Ooh, and if Mel has the holiday too, that'd be even better!!!

BTW, a very happy birthday to Tara, Heather and Lynne. What on earth happens in June?!


Nancey said...

Sweet. I love the idea but as Andy will be unemployed very soon, I don't feel comfortable planning any trips. Once he does get a new job, though...I'm so there!

omouse said...

April 15-23! That's my Spring Break! I'm so ready!