Saturday, August 18, 2007

V Festival – Day 1

Yay! V Fest! I haven’t been since 2005 so hopefully it’ll be a good year. Rain has been promised all weekend so we head off to Harlow town centre first to find raincoats or ponchos of some description. Every Argos in North London is out of £4 ponchos so we hunt around Milletts… which turns out to be very expensive - £35 for a kag. Anna hunts around for a sports shop and we end up buying large boys coats with hoods in the sale at JJBs. £13 each – bargain!! Reuben is content with a fleece and his Indy hat.

So armed with new coats and wellies we head off to Chelmsford. We wait around for Lynne and Ian to find us – we have their camping cooker and some food. Eventually we head into the park and see the The Proclaimers. Of course ‘500 Miles’ was very popular! The Thrills were a cool band and Paolo Nutini was too, but he sang more covers than his own stuff. Kanye West was pretty rubbish – he just yelled over samples of other songs. Everyone thinks he’s great but I was not impressed! ‘Stronger’ was his only decent song. Pink was easily the best performance of the day. She had a brilliant band and a really cool stage set-up. Snow Patrol was excellent and had a cool light show. The Foos played brilliantly in the face of wind and drizzle! Was a bit miffed that I missed their ‘secret’ acoustic gig under the pseudonym 606 on the C4 stage earlier…

We left after the encore started and was out of the park in 10 minutes. We arrived home really tired and suddenly quite peckish. So 11.30pm and we were ordering pizza! It was cool. And I slept like a log. My back hurts from standing up all day. Reuben keeps calling me an old woman…

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