Thursday, September 29, 2005

CyberBob in Catch 22

My laptop driver finally bit the dust and now won't even read the cleaning CD! It's like this - it won't read anything because the lens is probably dirty, so it can't read the cleaning CD which will only clean the lens if the driver reads it... (sigh)

I really don't wanna cart it to PC World and let those incumbent idiots take my beloved CyberBob apart... The other alternative is Andy who just spends a lot of time opening and closing windows... Its actually a long-running joke to the point where Anna said, "Here's an impression of Andy" and rolled the car window down and then up again. I laughed so much I nearly choked!

Anyway, now I have to deal with lots of jokes about 'laptop servicing'...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005



Indeed, you are 66% erudite, 70% sensual, 41% martial, and 37% saturnine.
This Egyptian supreme Goddess is certainly the most influential deity on subsequent cultures. She was the ideal figure of womanhood, usually compared with the Greek Goddess Demeter or her Roman version, Ceres.

Isis was one element of a Holy Trinity, the remaining two figures being her brother and husband Osiris and their heroic son Horus. She was the Goddess of Magic for her brilliance, as well as the Goddess of Love because of her tenacious devotion.

She is often shown with wings, curving to caress coffins and sarcophagi of many a king. In certain papyri she is shown with her falcon wing headdress, covering her ears. One of her sacred symbols is the sistrum, a musical instrument that was believed to ward off evil spirits. Isis' sistrum was carved bearing the image of a cat and was representative of the Moon.

Isis was the High Priestess and an omnipotent magician as well as the only being ever to discover the secret name of Ra. She invariably carries the ankh, the symbol for eternal life. Her name is, by the rules of numerology, adding up to the number “2” and she just so happens to be depicted on the tarot card “Key 2 – The High Priestess”.

The Fifteen Goddesses

These are the 15 categories of this test. If you score above average in …

…all or none of the four variables: Neit. … Erudite: Minerva. … Sensual: Aphrodite. … Martial: Artemis. … Saturnine: Persephone. … Erudite & Sensual: Isis. … Erudite & Martial: Sekhmet. … Erudite & Saturnine: Nemesis. … Sensual & Martial: Hera. … Sensual & Saturnine: Bast. … Martial & Saturnine: Ilamatecuhtli. … Erudite, Sensual & Martial: Maeve. … Erudite, Sensual & Saturnine: Freya. … Erudite, Martial & Saturnine: Sedna. … Sensual, Martial & Saturnine: Macha.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Wired for blogs!

I have a phone line... WAHEY!! It's nice to have Internet... :)

Just a random passing thought I had today: Why are the US so worried about Iran having nuclear weapons when they have such a large arsenal of their own...??